Podpora Luminor Cinema
Síť evropských kin Europa Cinemas zaslala svým členům žádost o podporu kina Luminor Cinema v Paříži. Kinu byla vypovězena nájemní smlouva a komunita kolem kina se ho snaží zachránit. Jednou z forem podpory je pak i níže uvedená petice, kterou je možné podepsat a informace o ní dále rozšiřovat.
Jako stavovská organizace kinařů jsme s touto formou podpory zcela solidární a zveřejňujeme tak celou výzvu Fatimy Djoumer, výkonné ředitelky sítě Europa Cinemas.
Dear readers,
We write to you today to express our solidarity with Luminor Cinema. The potential closure of this institution would be a major loss for the community in Paris. Therefore, we support any initiative that would ensure its preservation and give it the opportunity to continue its activities.
With this in mind and in anticipation of a crucial upcoming court hearing on March 24, we invite members of the network to support the Luminor by signing this petition.
For over 25 years, Luminor has been a proud member of Europa Cinemas. We are familiar with this historical venue, which was once known as Le Marais cinema, then Le Latina and Le Nouveau Latina, and now Luminor Hôtel de Ville, with a well-identified Art House programming at the heart of the French market’s dynamics, innovation, and events. The commitment of its teams has never waned, nor has its success: with 86,000 admissions in 2023, the cinema is growing and going beyond its pre-pandemic results. It provides a platform for works by new auteurs, festivals, rediscovery of classics, and image education initiatives, benefiting schools and educational institutions in the center of Paris.
Luminor is now the only cinema in Le Marais, a rare cultural space in the heart of the capital, an oasis in a neighborhood that is unfortunately being reconfigured to the benefit of strictly commercial enterprises. Fully threatened in this respect, its resilience mirrors a larger trend across Europe — cinemas reclaiming their place in city centers, reaffirming the value of such cultural hubs for audiences and citizens throughout Europe
Any cinema that closes is a definitive loss for the life of a neighborhood and a city, a disavowal of the efforts and commitments that have allowed a broad audience to share the richness of a diverse and open culture for decades. We strongly hope that the general interest can prevail in this matter that concerns us all.
Fatima Djoumer, Chief Executive Officer
Claude-Eric Poiroux, Honorary President
Claude-Eric Poiroux, Honorary President